It's the same as the original, except you won't receive a physical calendar. Daily performances will be delivered via email, and you'll have access to the Tradvent website. Rewatch the performances as much as you like. Enjoy!
The 2020 Tradvent Calendar was our first subscription series...and we sold out of the physical calendars within days! Now we're reviving Tradvent for the 2023 holiday season.
Inspired by traditional Advent calendars, but with a digital/musical twist, this is a unique virtual experience with daily performances from 30+ musicians, singers, and dancers. Performances will be released at 12pm ET via daily emails and the password-protected website and you can be there live on YouTube to say hi to Tune Supply friends in the chat if you'd like!
Proceeds go to the incredible artists sharing their talents this holiday season. Want a Supersoft TS Sweatshirt to go with your calendar? Use code COZY for $20 off when you purchase both!
Artists featured in the 2023 Tradvent Series:
Alex Kusturok, Alan Murray, Andrew Finn Magill, Aidan Connolly, Ashley Davis, Ben Power, Caitlin Warbelow, Cara Wildman, Chloe Feoranzo, Chris Ranney, Chuchi Cuadrado, Colin Farrell, Cormac de Barra, Dan Lowery, Danielle Enblom, Dave Curley, David Munnelly, Dennis Lichtman, Eimear Arkins, Jake James, Jason Jurzak, Lexie Boatright, Louisa Bennion, Margot Krimmel, Mari Black, Matt & Shannon Heaton, Modeste McKenzie, Natalie Haas, Nicolas Perez, Nicolette Andres, Pat Mangan, Ryan Richard, Ryan Ward, Santiago Molina, Taija Warbelow, and Troy MacGillivray.
Important: We kindly ask that you do not share videos from subscriber series. Our goal is provide the trad community with gorgeous music while making sure artists are compensated for their work. Thank you in advance for your help!